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Rest and Fluids

Remember not to take it easy. Put a hot washcloth on your forehead, remain standing, and breathe dry air while taking lots of histamines. You need to give your body a chance to get sick again.

Health Stats

You will live on forever in our hearts, pushing a little extra blood toward our left hands now and then to give them a squeeze.

Data Trap

It's important to make sure your analysis destroys as much information as it produces.

Chorded Keyboard

And even though it all went wrong / I'll stand before the lord of song / with nothing on my tongue but 'I don't understand, I swear I backed up my keyboard config before messing with it'

Headline Words

Roundly-condemned headlinese initiative shuttered indefinitely.


I've developed a novel propulsion system powered by loss of precision in unit conversion.

Greek Letters

If you ever see someone using a capital xi in an equation, just observe them quietly to learn as much as you can before they return to their home planet.

For the Sake of Simplicity

For the sake of simplicity, gardeners are assumed to move through Euclidean space--neglecting the distortion from general relativity--unless they are in the vicinity of a Schwarzschild Orchid.